

There is no Planet B

Conservest Africa is an investment company optimized to support fast-growing, mission-driven, for-profit African conservation projects by investing in land, land development, community economies, renewable energy and income generating services.

Wildlife in Africa

Africa is endowed with an abundance of natural resources, including expansive rangelands, marine life, tropical forests, and iconic wildlife, which are crucial for local and global benefits such as energy, water, and food. These resources also serve as an essential regulator for the planet's rapidly heating climate.

Unfortunately, unsustainable economic development, poaching, deforestation, and overfishing, among other pressures, are threatening Africa's vital assets at an alarming rate. The prioritization of short-term financial gains over long-term conservation benefits is resulting in poverty and scarcity for communities that rely on nature.

Conservest Africa is committed to promoting sustainable natural resource management and bolstering conservation efforts across Africa to reduce biodiversity loss, tackle climate change, and alleviate poverty. We are working to support science, policy, and investment that safeguard ecosystems vital to the well-being of all Africans.

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Wilderness areas are perfect for solar and wind farms. Green energy keeps conservation areas carbon neutral, supplies local communities and is sold back into the grid.

We re-wild and conserve large wilderness areas across Africa by acquiring and developing the land.

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core focus areas

Our Work

By developing rural communities and supporting their economies, we create employment, develop ancillary businesses and provide education.


Leveraging technology solutions to create "smart parks" combats against poaching whilst creating reporting tools to manage investment.


Illustration of an Elephant
African Woman and Baby

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Investor Consultation

Unlocking Conservation Opportunities

At Conservest Africa, we offer a comprehensive post-investment support system that sets us apart.

Our active board members provide oversight on behalf of investors, ensuring alignment with strategies and objectives.

Additionally, we provide quarterly performance reports, keeping investors informed about financial returns, environmental impact, and social outcomes.

With us, your engagement extends beyond the investment, as we are committed to long-term partnerships for successful and impactful conservation investments.

Consulting Services

Support for Conservation Initiatives

Turning Vision into Reality

At Conservest Africa, we understand the challenges that conservation initiatives face in securing funding to bring their vision to life. Our expertise is dedicated to helping these organizations overcome these hurdles.

We work closely with you to review and enhance your business model, creating a comprehensive plan that highlights the potential for financial returns.

Our experienced financial analysts develop robust projections that attract investors and demonstrate the project's viability and sustainability.

With strategic advice and access to our vast network of impact investors, grant organizations, and philanthropists, we greatly increase your chances of securing the funding needed to make a lasting impact on Africa's natural resources.

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Blended Finance

Clean Water Supply

a new approach to conservation funding

An aim is to assist investors to invest in game reserves and related businesses where at least a controlling (51%) stake is obtained, although this does not have to be starting point.

Diversified across investing in established, mature and

developing assets and with a maximum of 25% in green fields.

Conservation regions with manageable water supply, to minimise drought risk.

Conservest facilitates investments in Sub-Saharan African existing game reserves and burgeoning conservation projects and their ancillary service providers.

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Innovative funding

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Investment funds

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Concessional funding

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Incubator projects


Established Projects


Anciliary but related projects


Large Ecosystems


Bundled small projects

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Lower Risk

& Wide spread opportunity

Rather than focusing solely on financial returns, Conservest Africa differentiates itself by adopting a holistic approach to conservation. This involves considering not only the financial viability of projects but also their environmental and social impacts.

By leveraging creative financial instruments and partnerships, the company offers unique investment opportunities to clients and addresses complex conservation challenges that traditional investment approaches may overlook.

We demonstrate measurable impact and maintain transparency. These aspects are crucial for any conservation investment. By establishing rigorous monitoring and evaluation systems, we provide clear metrics and evidence of the positive environmental outcomes resulting from the investments.

investment strategy Long term vision

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Raise USD50m +

Series A, B, C

Raise USD20m

Angel Round

Raise USD10m

Seed Capital

Raise USD2.7m


Startup funding

Conservation Investment

Acquire shares in existing profitable projects

Invest in incubator projects

Invest in associated projects and supply chain

IPO International

Fund Value USD100m +


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Conservest Africa proudly supports the Kingsley Holgate Foundation in their efforts to use adventure to improve and save lives. The foundation was founded by one of Africa's most colorful modern-day explorers, Kingsley Holgate, who is a humanitarian adventurer, author, TV personality, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, Land Rover Ambassador, speaker at the New York Explorers Club, and a legend that Getaway Magazine calls "the most travelled man in Africa."

The Kingsley Holgate Foundation team actively works to make a positive difference in the lives of vulnerable communities during their expeditions. Their efforts include preventing malaria among pregnant women and mothers with young children, providing the gift of sight to poor-sighted elderly people in remote regions, reducing the spread of water-borne diseases, providing potable water to drought-stricken communities, upgrading impoverished Early Childhood Development centers, and supporting wildlife conservation efforts, especially of critically endangered species such as elephant and rhino.

Conservation &






Mashozi's right

to sight

Early Childhood Development


children in rural communities bordering Africa’s wildlife areas.

3,3 Million

pregnant women and mothers with young children protected.

63 Million

litres of clean drinking water to reduce water-borne diseases.


reading glasses distributed to elderly & poor-sighted people.

2,1 Million

nutritional meals for children & mothers and other ECD support.

the conservation team

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jeffrey van staden

Jeff has a rare set of skills, bringing together experience from Tourism, finance, conservation and project development. Jeff has been in the tourism and conservation field since 2001. Jeff has an MBA which he gained in Germany where he owned and ran a bespoke tour operating company for 15 years. After moving back to South Africa 2016, he secured large scale funding and co-founded African Habitat Conservancy and developed Babanango Game Reserve.

Sheelagh antrobus

Sheelagh is conservation royalty. As one of the integral members of the Kingsley Holgate Foundation expedition team she uses geographic adventures to conduct humanitarian work and raise awareness about Africa’s endangered wildlife. She is also the founder Project Rhino, and established the award-winning, aerial anti-poaching unit, the Zululand Anti-Poaching Wing (ZAP-Wing) that supports more than 20 game reserves.

Kingsley Holgate

Kingsley is a renowned explorer, humanitarian, and author. He has been described as a modern-day Livingstone, and his expeditions have taken him to some of the continent's most remote and challenging locations. He is also known for his humanitarian work, which includes providing aid to communities affected by drought, famine, and disease. In recognition of his contributions, he has received numerous awards, including the prestigious "Order of the Baobab".

Grant Fowlds

Grant is arguably one of the most prominent conservationists in Africa today. He has founded and developed numerous conservation and social projects all over the continent. His passionate commitment to the cause, his vast network and boundless energy bring value to everyone he meets and every projects he touches.

Wild Leopard Outdoors


25 Culross Road





+27 82 815 8391

+27 11 591 0677


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